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AI or RPA. How do AI and RPA work together?

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and AI (Artificial Intelligence) are two distinct but overlapping areas of technology. We’ve often found that the clear demarcation between the two isn’t commonly understood, leading to the question, “Is RPA AI?” To be clear, RPA is not AI, but it can be used to help AI perform simple tasks. With RPA solutions continuously becoming more featurized, it can begin to look similar to technologies such as AI.


Improve UX with AI and Machine Learning

Imagine how long it would take for Da Vinci to create a Mona Lisa if he was painting it in 2022! And what else could have turned out on his brilliant canvas if there was someone who could do the artistic-side legwork for him – like mixing colors or finding the right temperature and spot; or not letting anyone disturb the painter at a crucial moment of epiphany? Thankfully, today’s UI-UX artists cannot just say, ‘Alas, we wish we had someone but what to do’ and walk on in despair.

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